Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde recently launched the second phase of the Ladki Bahin Scheme in Nagpur, a significant initiative aimed at empowering women and promoting their welfare across the state. The scheme, which was initially introduced to provide financial assistance to the families of girls, received a warm reception during its first phase, prompting the government to expand its reach and impact.
At the launch event, CM Shinde emphasized the government’s commitment to enhancing the socio-economic status of women in Maharashtra. He highlighted that the Ladki Bahin Scheme is not just about financial aid but also focuses on creating a supportive environment for girls to pursue education and career opportunities. The scheme aims to address various challenges faced by young women, including financial constraints and societal pressures, thereby encouraging families to invest in their daughters’ futures.
The second phase of the scheme includes an increase in the financial assistance provided to eligible families, which is expected to benefit thousands of girls across Maharashtra. CM Shinde reiterated the importance of education in empowering women, stating that educated women contribute significantly to the development of society and the economy. He urged families to prioritize education for their daughters and take advantage of the benefits offered under the scheme.
Moreover, CM Shinde announced that the government plans to organize workshops and awareness programs as part of this initiative, aimed at educating families about the various provisions of the Ladki Bahin Scheme. This move is expected to further enhance the participation of women in various sectors, including education, health, and employment.Overall, the launch of the second phase of the Ladki Bahin Scheme marks a crucial step towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in Maharashtra, reinforcing the government’s commitment to creating a more inclusive society for all.